
Finding a therapist is a lot like shopping for a new vehicle.

You’ve decided that you need help finding a therapist. There are so many options! Do you prefer online therapy or in-person therapy? A male clinician or a female one? Or does it matter? It can feel so overwhelming. You just need someone to help you find relief with your situation. How do you choose?

Licensed marriage and family therapist with a doctorate

As a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) and a PhD-level clinician, I’ve pursued advanced training to work with both adults and couples. Don’t let the name fool you you into thinking I only work with couples or families! I have specialized training to work with people who have experienced trauma, or have PTSD, or intrusive thoughts, or are experiencing life transitions. I also work with people who have relationship issues, whether it be with other people, or with themselves. Last, I work with therapists and other professionals who are also experiencing difficulties in their work (i.e., imposter syndrome), home (i.e., relationship issues), or personal lives (i.e., stress management).

What to Look for When Finding a Therapist

Finding a therapist in Utah or a online therapist in Virginia, or even an online therapist in Texas, is like finding a new vehicle. There’s research involved on what features or specialties you want the vehicle (therapist) to have, the purpose of the vehicle, where the vehicle is located, the price of the service, time weighing decisions and options, going on a test run, or two, or three, as well as reflecting on your experience with the vehicle. Is this vehicle a good fit?

However, unlike car shopping, therapy with me can change your life.


Finding a therapist. Two chairs, a table, and a safe space.

As a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) and a PhD-level clinician, I’ve pursued advanced training to work with both adults and couples.

The rigorous education that I have pursued has provided me with skills to look at the whole picture of what is occurring in your life as well as what contextual factors and stressors may be affecting you.

The experience, clinical supervision, and consultations I have gained and participated in over the last 8 years of providing therapy to people like you has given me insights into symptoms and what is likely to be effective.

The workshops and training I have pursued enable me to provide evidence-based treatment for what you are dealing with.

It takes courage to reach out; Let’s get you to feeling better.

Reach out to me today and we can set up a free 15-minute consultation at 801-477-6823!

Let’s talk about your hopes for the future

Further reading

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